Back To Life, Back To Reality

It’s been really hot lately. Apparently, the Met Office have confirmed that June 2023 was the hottest June on record in the UK since records began in 1884.

For a few weeks, I was wondering when it might rain again. We’ve had sunshine and showers since, but before we did I was reminded of the long, hot spell we had in June & July 2021.

At that time, I can remember looking at the brown scorched grass everywhere, assuming it must be dead and wondering how long it would take before we had green grass back again.

Then, after just one morning of long overdue rain, green shoots started to appear and the next day, although not completely back to their former glory, grassy areas were already noticeably greener.

It only took a few more consecutive rainy days and the scorched appearance would just be a fading memory.

People are like that too. They can have a long history of suffering, hopelessness, low energy, low mood and so on, such that the natural assumption is that it’ll take a lot of intervention and time to turn things around. But actually, as long as exactly what is needed is provided, they can turn things around very quickly.

One of the gems my ever-inspiring friend Elliott Connie came up with during a SFU coaching call once was “anyone can get to anywhere from anywhere”.

Nobody is entirely one thing or another with absolute consistency. We are all reinvented moment to moment from all possibilities, using what we find within ourselves, turned into practical action through the utilisation of what we find around us.

What we believe is possible in any given moment determines what we become in the next, and our belief is often inspired by what we perceive others to believe.

Much in the same way that the rain can seemingly bring grass back to life, when actually it was simply storing it’s potential away beneath the surface waiting for the rain to react to, our belief in each other contains the exact catalyst needed to speed anyone’s journey out of their ‘drought’ towards their hoped for reality.

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